
Compouds - specialist raw materials and additives to enhance performance plastic products. Improving the flexibility of plastic, to increase resistance to cracking, prądoprzewodnie. Compouds coating extrusion and injection systems, improve the quality of injection molding and extrusion, significantly shortening time to go color, compoudy antistatic reduce surface tension and UV stabilizers.

Masterbatch IP 01550

It is a concentrate suitable folil stretch properties of the adhesive. It is used in the adhesion-promoting material, as a concentrate thereof. It is used for the production of securing goods during transport, food packaging, silage (agricultural products).

Masterbatch IP AS PP 20S

It prevents the accumulation of the products, which have been derived therefrom (parts injection molding, films, fibers, plates full, the chamber plate) electric charge (antistatic). It can be applied to medical devices and in the production of food packaging. It lowers the surface resistivity and the half-life of electrostatic charge



This eliminates melt fracture in the molten state reduces the amount of plastic or other materials deposited on the head, increasing the yield of oil. Particularly useful for the polypropylenes, which tend to develop cracks in a melt processing at high temperatures, high shear and fillers and pigments with a tendency to agglomerate. High temperature resistant. It can be used for products intended for contact with food.


This eliminates melt fracture in the molten state reduces the amount of plastic or other materials deposited on the head is increased pumping capacity. Particularly useful for the polypropylenes, which tend to develop cracks in a melt processing at high temperatures, high shear and fillers and pigments with a tendency to agglomerate. High temperature resistant. It can be used for products intended for contact with food.



Used to optimize the process of extrusion of polypropylene (pipes, profiles, foils) - particularly indicated in cases of melt fracture (high shear). Additive concentrates eliminates melt fracture, reduces the amount of materials and other residues of the head (so-called. Obliteration head) increases the efficiency of extrusion and allows to obtain economic effects. It is particularly recommended in cases of polypropylene having a tendency to melt fracture (so-called manifested. "Orange peel") high processing temperature and high shear forces, and in the case of fillers and pigments which can create local agglomerates.

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